

Spirit Guide – Tatler, September 2024

Delilah Khomo picks the UK’s most powerful spiritual practitioners, whose ancient and profound techniques will have you feeling – and healing – like a million dollars.

Best for Transformation: Dr Shomit Mitter
Dr Mitter is a force of nature, with the spiritual practice to match. After decades of studying ancient Indian, Chinese, Egyptian and Shamanic systems of healing, this hypnotherapist/meditation guru is the real deal: a next-level therapist with a special knack for making clients reveal themselves, coaxing out sentiments and emotions they normally keep bottled up – or that they might not even know they have. He teaches the super stressed how to relax, to get back in touch with themselves and to step off the mental loop of doom or stop replaying obsessive thoughts. Whether he is regaling you with anecdotes and life lessons or teaching you how to open your heart – just part of his multifaceted and, at times, deeply mystical approach – Dr Mitter specialises in life changes and managing anxiety, while helping you manifest your dreams. He calls this ‘putting you in touch with your inner genie’. It’s so powerful that even one session can be enough to make a big difference in his clients’ thinking – and their lives. His work goes deep, delivering profound spiritual and emotional results, with daily meditation practices that elicit huge change day by day. Warm, charming and exceptionally kind, Dr Mitter provides sessions that are the holy grail of human experience, where you transcend your blocks and become a wiser, brighter, more magnetic version of yourself – fast. It’s all so enlightening, it’s no wonder he has such a devout following for manifesting.

— Tatler, September 2024


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