
Work with Shomit

Harnessing Untapped Inner Potential

What have successful business leaders and world class sports champion in common? They think different…

Date: 13th February 2013
Session 1: Power

Virtually all relationships are based around status and power. The outcome of negotiations, for example, is often far more a function of the status relationship between the negotiators than any intellectual prowess they may possess. Come and learn how you can consciously inhabit the place of power so that you can be the master of your future rather than passive agent of other people’s will and ideas.

Date: 20th February 2013
Session 2: Presence

Although success is very much a function of being vitally and abundantly present within a structured series of objectives, most people spend the bulk of their time regretting the past or fearing the future. Come and learn how to live “in the Now” so you have better concentration, sharper focus, higher levels of energy and a greater capacity for making judgment calls unhampered by projection or prejudice.

Date: 27th February 2013
Session 3: Detachment

The mark of a great leader is that they can always see the big picture, despite the often oppressive pressure of detail and emotional turbulence. The vision of great leaders always transcends the cat-fighting that often characterizes the work of lesser managers. Come and learn how to rise above the situations that may sometimes threaten to draw or even suck you in, such that you bring to bear on all your work the perspective that comes from wisdom and detachment.

Date: 6th March 2013
Session 4: Creation

To create a robust and durable business you need to have more than just a good idea and a team that ticks the usual boxes. There is a hidden “energetic” that makes for the success in all spheres of human endeavor. Come and learn what this is – and how to inhabit the space in which you can make this energetic work for you.

Presented by ConsciousLab
13th, 20th, 27th Feb & 6th March 2013
Evolve Wellness Centre, 10 Kendrick Mews, London SW7 3HG

— ConsciousLab, February 13, 20, 27 & March 6, 2013


Posted in Workshops on Tuesday, February 12, 2013
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